Ability to disable the creation of new tabs every time a user clicks on a link in Gainsight

Posting this on-behalf of one customer -

If you click on the name of a customer from Cockpit OR if you search for a new customer at the top of an existing C360 page, a new browser tab opens for that specific customer. This is creating a ton of new tabs and several of their users are requesting the ability to disable the creation of new tabs every time they click on a link in Gainsight.

Hi Shiv, Thanks for posting!


It was a request from few customers to open in new tab,below is the post.



This is a mixed opinion, If this is the case with most of the customers we will push to product team. Let's check with other customers opinion too.


@All, please hit like or +1 to increase the priority in the road map.


Hi, I'm happy to chime in.

My users are often clicking into accounts or cases from the Cockpit and dashboards, creating a large number of tabs that are difficult to navigate when on a call or just trying to keep things straight.

They'd much prefer to use command+click or right click+"open in a new tab" to keep things straight, which is how they use SFDC.

We just started to use Gainsight and this has been very annoying for both myself as the admin and our end users. Any updates on whether this will be on the pipeline?

Hi Melisa,

Our user feedback told us that after using Gainsight for a while, users preferred to have customer 360 links open in a new tab, but if anyone does not want to open new tabs and they're using Chrome, they can install this extension and set it to open any links in the same tab. https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/popup-blocker-strict/aefkmifgmaafnojlojpnekbpbmjiiogg/related?hl=en

@dan_ahrens do you think it might be possible to have the option to toggle this in-product? (without having to trust Chrome extensions)

@ana_g I’m sure it’s possible, it’s just a matter of where that specific need sits on the overall priority of features being requested at any given time. 

I’m going to set this Question post to solved, but if someone feels it’s a key enhancement, you can start a new Idea post.

First note, the suggested app in the post marked as the answer to this post no longer solves this problem 😥. All links to accounts whether from the search bar of a dashboard opens a new tab. This is an awful experience. My browser gives me the option to open a link in a new tab if I choose. However, there is no option to tell my browser not do this.

You are forcing a workflow that make me less productive and reduces my focus. I would beg you please to either reverse this design and let people use their browser option to open new tabs if they want or create a setting in Gainsight where the user can decide the default behavior.

First note, the suggested app in the post marked as the answer to this post no longer solves this problem 😥. All links to accounts whether from the search bar of a dashboard opens a new tab. This is an awful experience. My browser gives me the option to open a link in a new tab if I choose. However, there is no option to tell my browser not do this.

You are forcing a workflow that make me less productive and reduces my focus. I would beg you please to either reverse this design and let people use their browser option to open new tabs if they want or create a setting in Gainsight where the user can decide the default behavior.

Unmakred the previous answer.

@achandak we spoke about this today.

Good news, this is currently being worked on. I believe the user setting to keep a single tab will be in our October release. 

Now building our instance and this is an issue echoed by our pilot user group. Looking forward to the fix. Thanks!

Any updates on this? It was mentioned it would be in the October release. 

Hello everyone. We are working on a new initiative called mini 360. This will open any customer record in a third pane from GS Home, Success Plan, Cockpit, Dashboards, Reports. CSMs will be able to complete their tasks without opening too many tabs or losing context.


Here is a glimpse of how mini 360 will look like. This should be available tentatively in Q2.



The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

rahul_prayakarao - Any update to share on targeted/expected timing for the release of mini 360?

Pretty consistent complaints across the board from all our CSMs… none like new tabs being opened.

Excellent - looking forward to this release! 

@ahuston this feature will be generally available for all customers with the upcoming Q2 (July) release.