Attaching Files to Events

Related products: CC Events

When creating an Event, I’d like to be able to attach a file as a companion guide for the event, or to preview information to attendees. I wrongly assumed that I could do this via pasting a download link for the file in the ‘featured topics’ field, but it looks like that field only accepts URLs that are hosted from within the community itself (other topics, articles, etc.). I ended up hyperlinking text within the description with the download link URL, but this isn’t the clearest UX. 

I’d love to have both of these as options: 

  1. Attach a file directly
  2. Link to an external URL as a file download link (in the featured topics area or a separate field)

Hi @Stacia_TMBC, thanks for sharing! In the description field for an event, you could create a section called Downloads, and insert links to the actual files there. What would be the use case for actually hosting the file on the community, instead of copying the URL for where it is hosted? 

Hello @Sebastian  

in our private community, we need to be able to attach files, especially, pdfs directly to an event, too:

After the event, we provide the event slides and the recording in the event description, but so far, we attach the slides as images as attaching pdfs is not possible. Which is not very practical for community members (images are not searchable for example).

The option of hosting the pdf somewhere else is not practical for us as this means: using an external tool/platform, managing (permission) settings in this tool -> manual effort outside of the community. Also, we don’t want to create additional or separate content/posts as solution to download a pdf (as described here), to minimize effort and to ensure that the pdf is in the same “place” as the event. 

According to the UI, the possibility for uploading files to an event is there, so you would expect it to work:

I can attach a pdf:

But the attachment is only visible in Control and does not show in the event as expected.

It would be really great if files, especially, pdfs could be attached to events and downloaded. Our community keeps asking for this. Maybe there’s another way to achieve this?


Thanks for the context @Eva! I’ll ask the team to look into this, and whether this is something we can easily enable or whether there was a good reason not to implement it in the first place. 

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