Improve the workflow for Reported Content

Related products: CC Moderation

 The workflow for moderating Reported Content is confusing.  

In the Control Home > Contents > Reported Content queue we are currently experiencing the following workflow.  I’ve included suggested opportunities for improvements in sub-bullets in bold:

  1. A topic (post/comment) is Reported
  2. The topic is added to the Reported Content moderation queue
  3. The topic is still visible to the public
    • Expected: Add an admin option to hide topics/content that are reported, until it has been moderated.
  4. Moderators goes to Reported Content queue in Control Home, and selects the item(s) to moderate:
    1. If Moderators clicks Resolve, the topic remains published.  In other words, “resolved” is the equivalent of approving the post as legitimate.
    2. If Moderators clicks Trash, the topic is sent to the Trash can, and the topic is unpublished. However, the topic remains in the Reported queue, until the moderator click Resolved.
    • This isn't intuitive. Expected:
      • Remove the “Resolve” button.  The "Resolved" button is too generic and provides uncertainty in the workflow.
      • Add an “Approve” button (or equivalent) that unflags the topic if it is considered legitimate and incorrectly reported. 
      • If the reported item is spam/not legitimate, have the “Trash” button remove the selected items from Reported Content and into Trash, and provide a prompt asking if we want to Ban the user, and confirming our action.
      • If it’s currently not possible to implement the above, I’d recommend adding a status to each of the  items in reported contents to indicate if 1) the item is visible or hidden from users, 2) if the item has been Trashed.  Something like this:



We currently have some items stuck in our Reported Content queue.  When we select items and click Trash in the Reported Content page, we get an error saying "Something went wrong. Please try again".  I have a feeling the following occurred (I’ll be reporting this to Gainsight support):


  • We have multiple moderators, and I'm assuming someone Trashed these items in Reported Content but didn't click Resolve.  
  • The Trash Can has been emptied.
  • Now there's no way of knowing the status of the Reported items.  If I click Resolve, in the Reported Contents, I have no idea if those posts have already been trashed, or will clicking Resolve approve those items as legitimate posts and will they get unflagged.

I also found this Idea which provides some good suggestions around flagged content, which I’m assuming is similar to the current Reported Content:


The image I meant to included after the following suggestion above didn’t get uploaded.  I’ve included it below:

If it’s currently not possible to implement the above, I’d recommend adding a status to each of the  items in reported contents to indicate if 1) the item is visible or hidden from users, 2) if the item has been Trashed.  Something like this:


New IdeaOpen

Hi @nampreetatsafe! Thanks for your suggestion about improving the workflow for reported content. Unfortunately, we do not plan on working on reported content this year. However, we will keep this idea open to see if it gets more votes from the community.