
Community Members NPS

  • 29 July 2020
  • 6 replies

Hi, any ideas on how to easily measure community members NPS in product? 


Best answer by Julian 30 July 2020, 14:29

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Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Usually, Community Managers run exit surveys on their community, which load after a short time / when a user is leaving the page.

As each Community Manager has specific requirements to the form and functionality, we do not offer this out-of-the box. Often, a Community Manager not just wants to measure community NPS, but also the support deflection - this of course depends on the overall goal of your community. The tools which I see used quite often are surveymonkey, mopinion and usabilla.

I don’t see any good way to measure community NPS without using such a survey tool. Alternatively, you could also set up a Google form and send a mail to a sample group of users. However the response rate might be lower.


What Julian said. We use medallia for our exit survey for NPS and call deflection.

@Julian @bjoern_schulze Thx for getting back to me. That is super helpful. How that usually work? How can I configure an exit survey for NPSS and call deflection? I never did that before :/ 

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

Maybe I could work on a tutorial on this - you are probably not the first one wondering about it. :)

Your first step should be to select a software that fits your needs.

Once you have done that, you have to set up all the rules & styling within the external software: when should the survey pop up, how should it look and which questions / answers should be presented. I can share some best practices and examples on this, but it also depends if you only want to measure the NPS or if you want to ask additional questions.

Once you have set this up, then you will provide you with an embed code which you then easily add to your community via our Third-Party Script feature in Control (under “Customization”).

Then it will just run and you can extract the data via the external software.

So the actual implementation into the community is quite simple, a bigger question for you will be which tool you should pick and when the survey should pop up.

I will collect some examples and additional information and then get started with a best practices guide.

@Julian That is everything I need. Thx for the clarification! I'll share it with you once we have the NPS survey up and running. 

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

What Julian said. We use medallia for our exit survey for NPS and call deflection.

Is it somehow integrated to your community platform? I mean that does Medallia also analyze the collected feedback?
