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Hi All 

For those of you that have implemented GS into your org do you have any best practices to share? Did you have any tools at your disposal to help? What worked well? What did not?  I have the use case template from our AE, but was wondering if there was any starting docs or guides that you may have used?


Thanks in advance! 

Hello @kisha1515 - welcome to the GameChanger community!

This group about Beginner Admins of Gainsight is the community you want to be a part of for discussions like this. :) 

Look forward to seeing you there!

Moving this to our BAT group for anyone who can chime in from there :) 

fyi @lisa.mirth 

Hot off the presses just this morning from @lila_meyer.

This has some great steps toward a successful rollout, including a lot of non-platform items to consider like change management, enablement and strategy



The old adage ‘walk before you run’ is pretty applicable here. A lot of times I’ve seen with new implementations the temptation is to implement EVERYTHING. ALL the usage data, ALL the CTAs, automate ALL the emails. And I can understand, Gainsight isn’t inexpensive, so teams want to leverage all the fancy new features and functions at their fingertips. But as Matthew and Lila allude to, change management is a large and vital effort, and users need to see some value first without hurling a hundred new CTAs, giant scrolling dashboards and multitudes of fields and charts of data at them. 😁 

Here’s another outstanding resource from Valuize regarding a Gainsight deployment. The team there has deep experience with Gainsight on both the tactical level as well as the strategic.

You will need to offer your basic contact information to access. Having seen the material itself, it’s excellent, including sections on how to know if you’re ready, how to actually launch, and what to avoid.

Thanks for sharing this ebook @matthew_lind - lots of great meat in there - especially PDF pages 18-24.  Always great to remind ourselves about triggers to watch out for in our user base and re-focus our why as we design and build processes and tools. Kudos to Valuize for composing it. 
