DCS Scoops w/ Alizée Levavasseur: Best practices for contact data management in DCS - P2

  • 21 February 2024
  • 1 reply
DCS Scoops w/ Alizée Levavasseur: Best practices for contact data management in DCS - P2
Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hello all,

Here’s Part 2 of the Contact Data Management Best Practices from our community friend @alizee 🔥



3. Legal compliance for data processing:

  1. Establish a legal basis for processing data, particularly for individuals who opt out.
  2. Sync information from CRM to Gainsight for streamlined compliance.
  3. More in-depth details in the video



4. Use data for informed decisions:

  1. Identify individuals with outdated or invalid email addresses.
  2. Set up automation for detecting hard bounces and rejected emails.
  3. Notify stakeholders and identify replacements promptly with automation.
  4. Bonus Tip: Leverage Out of Office messages effectively - watch at 00:33 seconds


To end this on a quote from Alizee that I truly LOVED: 

“Don’t be scared to start even if your data is not perfect. As you do more Digital CS, it’s really going to help you clean your contact data.”


If you’ve got any further questions, she’s all ears in the comments section! 

1 reply

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Thanks for sharing all of your tips, @alizee !  Love the idea to leverage out of office messages to update contact records and become multi-threaded if they share other relevant points of contact
