DCS Scoops w/ Jordan Barker: Your Digital Customer Success Starter Pack

  • 9 October 2023
  • 1 reply
DCS Scoops w/ Jordan Barker: Your Digital Customer Success Starter Pack
Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Hello everyone,

Our Digital Disruptor Community Friend @Jbarker is back this time to share something critical that set him and his team up for success in the Digital Customer Success World!

3 simple and clean suggestions to ensure you have a strong head start in the DCS world.



Here’s a summary:

  1. Vision: Be bold in your vision. (Vision example - 0:08 secs)
  2. Start Simple & Get Quick Wins: Quick wins are your secret sauce. They show your exec team that this program is the real deal! (Quick win example - 0:31 secs)
  3. People: Chances are you already have a CS team transitioning to a digital-led program - use strength finders to understand what digital led roles are suitable to individuals in your team. If you do not have CSM, consider investing in specific digital first roles (Example - 0:59 secs)


I’d love to turn the spotlight on to our fellow community friends here now to share more together:


Have you begun crafting your very own digital-first roles within your company?

If so, would love to hear your experience on that journey! 🙌🏽


1 reply

Userlevel 7
Badge +10

@Padolfi  For our discussion tomorrow.
