How & Why We Built our NEW Custom Page on Digital Customer Success

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Gainsight has been creating a ton of great content around Digital Customer Success, and walking the talk on Digital CS motions. One of the coolest things we’ve done on this initiative is create our new Digital CS Destination in the Gamechanger community - which is now officially live on our site!

As you check out the new page (and maybe even bookmark it for later reference! 😄) I wanted to share why we built this page and how we did it using Gainsight functionality. 


NEW! Digital CS Custom Page on the Gamechanger Community



The Challenge/Need

Our community already has a ton of great content tagged to ‘digital CS’ or ‘digital-led’ programs - but, that content is posted (just like this article!) in other forums like CS Inspiration. And its great content to have here - but, harder to surface if you are looking for a subset of topics around Digital CS. We wanted to find a way to:

  1. Make it easy to find Digital CS tagged content, quickly.
  2. Avoid creating a new (and empty to start) forum/area - requiring recreation or creation of new content, or risk removing great content from other areas.
  3. Have a single destination to guide users looking for Digital CS best practices, conversations, and more.


The Solution

To create this new page and solve these challenges, we used Gainsight’s Custom Page functionality to build a single destination on Digital CS that highlighted the sections/content types we wanted to surface for users. We built the page to include:

  • Featured discussions we know will add value to those exploring Digital CS, and include an easy link to take users to content already filtered for the ‘digital CS’ tag to explore more.
    • P.S. - if you’re posting on Digital CS as a topic, make sure to add the ‘digital CS’ tag to your posts to show up in searches like this!
  • Featured events, where users can quickly visit events in our community to learn more, see discussions around an event, and register
  • Featured resources, to guide users to amazing blogs, ebooks, or webinars that the larger Gainsight team is working on for more how-tos and best practices on Digital CS.

To deliver, we first scoped what content we wanted to highlight and aligned on these sections, then used our Custom Page functionality to choose the widgets (pre-built sections that can be added and customized quickly), layout, and content we wanted to highlight - and the whole process of creating the page (including testing out a few layouts to see what we liked best) took under an hour!


What’s Next

We know there’s more we can add on this page to help customers find answers and resources on Digital CS, and look forward to expanding this page with video, more links, and other great content!

We’ll also make sure to continually update this page with the latest and greatest in areas where the content is more static (manually selected).


Let us know what you think!

We’re thrilled to see how this new page is utilized, and would love to hear ideas for what content we should feature, questions on Custom Pages, and anything else you have a question on below! 👇

3 replies

Userlevel 7
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Let us know what you think!

We’re thrilled to see how this new page is utilized, and would love to hear ideas for what content we should feature, questions on Custom Pages, and anything else you have a question on below! 👇


As I was saying to @anirbandutta  this morning, adding it as a menu item so it can easily be found (but I hear it’s fresh off the press as a feature. Anyway, anything that can be done so it can be found more easily.

Userlevel 7
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@bostonjillian Check it out.

Userlevel 7
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As I was saying to @anirbandutta  this morning, adding it as a menu item so it can easily be found (but I hear it’s fresh off the press as a feature. Anyway, anything that can be done so it can be found more easily.

Extremely valid point Alizee.

The DCS Destination page is linked via this post from the Lounge Area and CS Inspiration page.

Factoring Custom pages into the site nav is definitely under-Consideration at inSided.

cc @Alistair FIeld 

