Ability to create Timeline Activities under CTA through Outlook Plugin

Hi Team,

At present, we can record timeline activities to C360 and R360 via the Outlook plugin. However, we lack the capability to directly log timeline activities under a CTA through the Outlook plugin. Can you please incorporate this functionality into the product?





@VIjayasailesh Katuri  - can you explain a little more about what you’re trying to do?

We also use the Outlook plugin to sync meetings and emails from a CSM’s Outlook inbox and calendar - but sometimes those emails or meetings have action items/next steps that a CSM has to follow up on. We are looking for a way to create a Task/CTA from that Timeline activity record so the CSM doesn’t have to navigate to Cockpit and create a CTA record. 

Is something like this what you are also trying to do?

@VIjayasailesh Katuri  - can you explain a little more about what you’re trying to do?

We also use the Outlook plugin to sync meetings and emails from a CSM’s Outlook inbox and calendar - but sometimes those emails or meetings have action items/next steps that a CSM has to follow up on. We are looking for a way to create a Task/CTA from that Timeline activity record so the CSM doesn’t have to navigate to Cockpit and create a CTA record. 

Is something like this what you are also trying to do?

@lindsay.smithnorris you can create tasks from the timeline entry, you click on task and it’ll generate an automated “To Do: “Timeline Entry Subject” CTA with those tasks. It’s not doable from Gainsight Assist but clearly, from the timeline entry it’s already a feature.

@VIjayasailesh Katuri +1

It’s a pain to go and do the linking afterwards and since we can search for the company / relationship record from Gainsight Assist, it doesn’t seem overly complex to be able to also search from CTAs on that relationship to link the entry to.


@alizee thanks for your quick response. See the attached screenshot of a Meeting timeline activity record that was created from our Outlook sync. I’m not seeing where I can click on Task for it to generate a “To Do” CTA...is it a setting or configuration that we need to enable with our admin?