Ability to set global styling preferences

Related products: PX Engagements

Posting on behalf of a customer:

I’d like the ability to set global styling across all PX engagements for a product. We have specific branded colors used in different situations, as well as fonts and font sizes. For example, we always use the same colors for a certain kind of action. Right now, we have to do this for each engagement. Having such a function would also make it easier to collaborate on consistent engagements across large groups of stakeholders. 


This definitely can expand beyond PX. There’s many use cases for this functionality in GS Customer Success too -- from surveys, to email templates, to opt-out pages...etc.

Bumping this for attention as it would be very valuable!

Absolutely required!!! +1

This post being 3 years old and still a “new idea”… sigh.

We’re going through a unified branding initiative, and not being able to use the same HTML in our Gainsight email templates (no header/footer options, no 3rd-party opt-out pages, no default font/link styles, etc.) is a massive headache.

Just happened upon this new post (linked below, hopefully turned into an idea soon) -- love the concept of saved colors and fonts (yet another #product parity) idea similar to the “frequently used objects” section in the Horizon report builder. Maybe this could be added to the new email template editor?