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As an instructional designer I would like the ability to set the order in which learning paths display. Currently, they display in alphabetical order. We have certain learning paths that are assigned to some groups but not others, and so we mix and match the paths according to the learner’s role and in their organization. The Learning Paths match their workflow and so the sequence is very important. If there were a numerical sorting option that enabled us to assign one path to the 100 series and another to the 200 series, it would be a lot easier to pull them into the right order.

It becomes difficult to ensure the proper sequence of the learning paths if we have to order them alphabetically.

Thank you!

For instance, assign "100" to an introductory path and "200" to an advanced path. This method allows for easy customization and ensures that learning paths appear in a logical order that matches users' workflows. Ensure your platform supports this custom sorting and provide training for users on how to utilize and benefit from this system effectively.

@LunaApeg It looks like part of your message got cut off?? Are you saying that there is a feature within Gainsight CE that allows us to enter a sequence number for learning paths? If so, where would I find that?

My idea was more back end vs front end but I can see how this feature is also needed!

We have a need for this feature as well. Naming learning paths alphabetically is not always an option. For example, for our US customers, we decided to name our learning paths “100 level courses….”, “200 level courses...”, etc. In the US, this makes sense. But for our OUS customer, it does not - international customers would not understand what we mean by it.