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Adjust Survey Partial Submission Time

Related products: CS Surveys & NPS

It would be helpful for my organization if the partial submission timer on surveys was customizable or if we had the option to remove the 5 second rule. 


Our organization struggles with getting responses from surveys and so we have dialed them all back to only include one question. We do use the inline survey feature for the invitation email which has upped our clicks. But what we are noticing is that although the survey is opened the submitted/partial submission is half the number. After testing we have discovered that from an inline click to closing out the populated webpage it takes an average of 3 seconds, but the partial submit only works after a participant has been on the page for 5 seconds. This is causing us to lose 50% of our responses for all our CSAT surveys and forcing us to rethink our want for simple and add in filler questions to slow participants down.

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