Archive: Better SEO redirects (301 instead of 302)

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Gainsight offers archive categories in order to exclude content from being crawled by search robots. Redirects have been put in place so that crawlers receive information about the status of the archived content.
Using the correct SEO redirect has an impact on the overall SEO performance of the platform and can make other content on the platform more visible.


A 301 redirect indicates that a piece of content has been permanently moved to a new location, while a 302 redirects indicates that content has been moved temporarily. A crawler that receives information about a 301 redirect will focus on non-archived content on the platform instead, which will make this content more visible. This will improve the overall SEO performance of the platform and will likely lead to more SEO clicks to the content that isn’t archived.

Gainsight currently uses 302 redirects for archived content.

I propose to use 301 redirects instead of 302 redirects. Most archived content is moved to an archived category permanently, so the crawler should be informed accordingly and not expect to see the status of the archived content change.

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