Does an Admin have the ability to edit a Timeline entry that they didn't create?

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I’ve been reading through a few posts about this and wanted to ask the question to confirm - can an Admin edit (change selections to dropdowns and other content) in a Timeline entry that they didn’t author?

If so, how?


@jessica_owens currently, it’s only the creator of the Timeline post that has the ability to edit and change anything.

Bummer! Thank you for the help. I must have read @dan_ahrens comment on this post wrong. He says that “only the original author (or admin) can edit the original post”. As an admin, I would like the ability to edit user’s posts.

Hi @jessica_owens , sorry for the confusion my post created on that. I’ve updated it to show that it’s on our roadmap to allow admins to edit posts created by others, but it’s not yet implemented. 

Hi @jessica_owens,

Admins do not have the ability to edit and change any timeline entries that they didn’t create. Hopefully we should this implemented soon as mentioned by @dan_ahrens 

Hi @jessica_owens and others, thanks for sharing your feedback. Yes, this is on our long-term roadmap. 

@jessica_owens changed this to idea for better tracking purpose.

Hi @jessica_owens , sorry for the confusion my post created on that. I’ve updated it to show that it’s on our roadmap to allow admins to edit posts created by others, but it’s not yet implemented. 

@dan_ahrens do we know where this falls in the roadmap? We have added some new custom fields that would be great for me as an admin to be able to bulk edit past timelines to save CSMs time

Hi @jessica_owens , sorry for the confusion my post created on that. I’ve updated it to show that it’s on our roadmap to allow admins to edit posts created by others, but it’s not yet implemented. 

@dan_ahrens do we know where this falls in the roadmap? We have added some new custom fields that would be great for me as an admin to be able to bulk edit past timelines to save CSMs time

Hi @andreammelde - no specific dates at this time. In our planning context, “long term roadmap” is usually a year or more. Timeline is one of our most popular features and the backlog of features on the Timeline roadmap is pretty extensive. 

+1 on Admin ability to edit Timeline entries of others

+1 We create Milestones on the Timeline via the Rules Engine. In some cases it’d make sense if admins could modify these Timeline Entries. As they are created by the System Admin, I am unable to edit them.

Ran into this again - we have a CSM that left and we need to clean up some of the timelines on their account. Because of this limitation we are unable to do so….

@dan_ahrens it’s been a year since your last comment. Any idea on where this stands? It continues to cause problems for us especially with the introduction of Gong integration.

Hi @jessica_owens , sorry for the confusion my post created on that. I’ve updated it to show that it’s on our roadmap to allow admins to edit posts created by others, but it’s not yet implemented. 

@dan_ahrens do we know where this falls in the roadmap? We have added some new custom fields that would be great for me as an admin to be able to bulk edit past timelines to save CSMs time

Hi @andreammelde - no specific dates at this time. In our planning context, “long term roadmap” is usually a year or more. Timeline is one of our most popular features and the backlog of features on the Timeline roadmap is pretty extensive. 


I believe currently, GS Admins have the ability to DELETE Timeline entries created by other users (which is a fairly new development), but still cannot EDIT Timeline entries created created by other users, including the content of the entry itself and also the metadata linking the entry to other Gainsight objects like Company or Relationship.

@dan_ahrens it’s been a year since your last comment. Any idea on where this stands? It continues to cause problems for us especially with the introduction of Gong integration.


Hi @andreammelde - apologies but I don’t have an update as I no longer work at Gainsight as of about a year ago. Perhaps @anirbandutta can help you with an update?


Only author can edit the timeline entry today, however this idea is under consideration. I will update this thread, once it is prioritised.

+1 We leverage the Gong integration to auto generate meetings and rely on Meeting Reasons to understand in what context the teams are interacting with customers. They collaborate with AEs regularly who often handle scheduling when related to new products, expansions, etc. CSM is unable to designate Meeting Reason when an AE schedules the meeting. Ideal would be to allow CS/account owner or any internal attendees to edit timeline activities.  

This post linked has the most most votes and comments, lets try to bump this one up higher

+1 on this especially in situations where the Call Owner was changed in Gong but that change doesn’t sync back to GS Timeline.

Another related post:

And another with 49 upvotes: 

@Bhawya  and @Chirag , when can admin editing be prioritized?

Any updates on the status of this enhancement idea? I have a lot of customers who would find this valuable.