Dynamic Graphs

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The bubble charts are great ways to see adoption of products/modules of products. But if you could pick a date range (e.g. last 6 months) and watch how the bubble chart evolves, day by day over that period - that would really help us understand how usage of modules/products has been evolving. 

That is an interesting idea. When you say evolve - it's more an animation that you mention which shows week1 to week24 type of growth ? 



@jlicciardello we need your inputs here.

Yes. For example if you use the “between” filter on dates - we should have option to “PLAY” the graph so that you see it evolve day by day (or week by week) over that time period. 



This seems like a next-level reporting request. Would be very cool to see!

Will add it to our backlog for future consideration