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Email from Anywhere (Beta) Organization-Wide Emails

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At time of writing this feature is still in Beta, but I wanted to surface a couple of key things that with the feature ‘as-is’ make it less compelling to adopt:


Organization-Wide Email Permission Management:

  • Currently, the owner of the email you want to use org-wide gets an email for each request to give one or more users the ability to use that email.
  • You have to add each email manually (no groups or lookups, you have to hand type each one) to a request for each email address you want a user to have access to.
  • So, if you add 500 users to a single request then one email goes out to the approver. If you do them one at a time they get 500 emails.
  • If you have 2 email addresses you’d like users to have access to org-wide that would be up to 1000 approval emails sent.
  • There doesn’t appear to be a way to report or mass edit who has access to which email either, so you have to manually verify and add/delete them as well.

This is already quite tedious - even if you initially add all your current users to one request, you will still have to add every new user manually going forward. Do you do them one at a time? In batches? What if an existing user changes their email address?


There are likely some constraints around getting permission from the email owner, but the method as currently implemented is not scalable. If the idea is to help enable Admins to develop better pooled CSM models, managing this is going to be a huge pain point as is.


Please find a way to leverage user groups, permission sets, rules, anything that can be managed at scale to organize and track the requests. The permission requests should ALSO tied to users NOT just an email address in a way that is exposed to admins.

There should also be a way to report on which user (not just which email address) has access to which org-wide email.


The Organization Wide Email Address feature needs more flexibility for managing who has access.

It would be ideal if, once an address was approved for use with he feature, an admin could then manage access themselves, rather than prompting what could be dozens (or more per Bradley’s example above) of approval emails.

As-is today, I can only imagine us using this feature for very targeted/limited use-cases due to how tedious managing access is for larger groups.

I know this is an older request with a few upvotes, but the issues still remain, and I want to really encourage the Gainsight team to consider ways to make the Organization-Wide Email Address feature more usable, especially as it pertains to managing access at scale.