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Fix the Column Resizing in Report Builder from the August 2024 Release

Related products: CS Reports & Dashboards

An unwelcome change from the latest release is that the column resizing got all messed up in Report Builder. Check out the below GIF. 


We never have a “type” that’s more than 12 characters or so. Same thing with “Source.” And yet the Report Builder is forcing me to accept about double or even triple the white space that I need. Not only is this annoying for new reports I’m putting together, but it has forcibly reset the column widths of some crucial reports we had on our C360 and dashboards that now are forcing our end users to scroll side to side. The unnecessary scrolling is something we’ve worked hard to avoid, and now we’re back to square one. I’m struggling to even understand the reason this change was made and who this benefits. Please consider fixing quickly.

Exact same issue here as @spencer_engel. Please fix! We spend time ensuring reports have columns with an appropriate width because we have some that we make a lot wider and some that need little width. Now that is not possible, and it looks like you have reverted all of our existing reports to this default, so wiped out all of the work that we had already done.

This may seem like a minor change but it is a significant downgrade in user experience! Imagine being able to see all of the information you need in one screenshot and a report is super helpful. Then you wake up one day and you can only see half of the information you used to see and have to keep side scrolling through a bunch of whitespace between each field instead of seeing everything in one glance. That’s what happened.

FYI - this was identified as a bug. I will post back to this thread when it’s resolved!



Thanks @kendra_mcclanahan! Is it too much to hope for that the column sizing from before this bug will be remembered in our reports…? 😅 

Thanks @kendra_mcclanahan , I noticed that the Relationships tab is also impacted (not just the reports section of it). I’m assuming/hoping that that will also be fixed when this bug is fixed?


@mindy confirmed with product that it will restore the column widths as long as you haven’t modified and saved the report.


@tammy_c is that the column widths? If so, that should be resolved as well but let me know if not once the fix is launched!

@kendra_mcclanahan thanks, yes, the column widths on the relationships tab.