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Gainsight Assist 7.0.0

The new Gainsight Assist has made logging emails to Gainsight from Gmail more tedious and time consuming.  Before with the checkbox feature, it would show the relationships to just click and then send.  It was fast, simple and didn’t take up part of the screen. 


Issues I see:

  1.  With the new Gainsight Assist being part of the side flyout in Gmail, I can no longer use any of the other features I was using like Tasks, Google Calendar or Google Keep because those live in a side flyout and if you have that and Gainsight there isn’t enough room on the screen. You can see on the right here this is my Tasks open but it is too “squished” so it’s not ideal. It’s as if this was designed to not think that many already use Google related work apps.
  1. I can no longer have multiple emails going.  As you see here I was working on two emails yet the Gainsight flyout is buried behind. Even if I close out the Google side bar the Gainsight flyout is still underneath my emails so I have to close my email and then type the company name to find the relationship, then reopen the email.  


  2. When typing an email it tries to find the company but it isn’t showing the varying relationships.  This looks like something is missing.


Adding emails to the Gainsight timeline has just now become a lot more complicated, and requires a lot more clicks/taps and navigating than it used to.


  1. Are we going to be able to add to this where we can add sentiment as something we can adjust when sending an email? If it’s going to be there and require more clicks, it might as well require something that would benefit us.


@revathimenon @Kenneth R can we get this changed to an idea so we can upvote it?

Sounds like a good usability ask from @nburke to bring back the checkbox.

Similar feedback from our CSMs as well: 

“I noticed the recent Gainsight update in Gmail, and quite frankly I'm finding it more difficult to use. The previous version allowed me to easily sync emails, especially if I forgot to tick the box before sending.Is there a way to automate email syncing to Timeline?”

We’re receiving some of the same feedback from our CSMs also:

The popout works at times but not always and does not seem to recognize the account automatically which means more time to then search for the customer. Also after searching being able to select the correct customer only works half the time, the csutomer shows up as selectable but I can complete the selection. There is also issues with Composing a a new email, it seems as though the plug in does not recognize the email as it is more of a window pop up. I have also tried marking for gainsight after sending the email and can only recognize one email in a thread i.e. if a customer sends an email and log to timeline through the longer process, to be able to log my response I then need to refresh the entire window to do so.

@corey.henningsen that is true-sometimes it picks up the right relationship/company and sometimes it doesn’t.  Sometimes I have to type it in there, and then even with that-it sometimes doesn’t find it unless I delete everything and try again.  It’s just wonky.  The fact that the email covers up a portion of the flyout is just something they didn’t look at from a UI perspective.  I’ve also seen it where it holds a prior company/relationship there when sending other emails so then I have timeline entries added to the wrong company/relationship and I have to go fix it. 

I agree, it seems like needlessly more clicks that just slows down the workflow. 


One thing I do like is the ability to select a different account’s timeline to which I can send an email to. For example, it is helpful for me to be able to have an email from a partner/reseller be added to the timeline for the relevant customer that we are discussing. Other than that, the latest update has just been cumbersome at best.

Same feedback from my team - they forget to log emails to timeline because it’s more out of the way, and takes at least 4x the clicks than the previous solution. Although it probably means fewer emails going to Drafts because of not being able to allocate to a customer, that’s a risk we’d be willing to take to get rid of this “solution” 😫