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Gmail integration - choose Activity Type

Hi team, love the Gmail integration to automatically log emails to Gainsight with the click of a button.  Thank you for building that! 


Idea: Could we add an option to choose the activity type in the Gmail integration as well?  



  • Currently we’re duplicating work logging calls, projects, key discussions, etc. manually in Gainsight and over email for a record with our customers, creating operational inefficiencies for the company and reducing time that could be spent moving forward customer initiatives affecting the bottom line.   
  • If we could re-categorize key emails recapping key meetings or insights & next steps with key customers as a certain couple of activity types, that would give our leaders much better insight to track trends and activities moving positive change and solve the operational inefficiencies.  


  • Reduces double-logging workplace inefficiencies.  Could save each Gainsight logger 30 minutes/day, for 2.5 hours per week per logger.  On a team of 16, that’s 40 hours per week - the equivalent of getting a whole full-time CSM added to the team. 
  • Gives leaders better insights.  Also makes it easy for on-the-ground workers during transitions to see exactly what was going on, who was involved, and the thread to easily pick right up on. 
  • Increases satisfaction and reliance on Gainsight as not only an insights & tracking tool, but powerful efficiency tool - resulting in longer-term, happier customers.  

Bonus Idea: 

  • To take it a step further - in a dream world, if AI could recognize the “Next steps” section of an email and automatically offer to create CTAs or tasks (that we could edit/approve before it adds them), think how much time that would save! (Similar to how ZoomInfo’s Chorus can summarize notes and next steps from Chorus calls). 

This would be amazing! 

I would say, the integration should be configurable by the Admin as to what fields to expose etc.