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Have "Type" on Activity Type function as a picklist

Related products: CS Timeline

I asked this question in the #ask-gainsight slack channel in the Global Admin slack channel but got no response, so I’m making it an idea post. Why does “Type” on Timeline not function as a picklist? This doesn’t seem to make any sense. It makes filtering quite annoying and reporting in general much harder than it needs to be. If Call To Action and other similar system objects in the MDA can have status/type/reason/etc function as picklists, why not Type on Timeline? 

YES!!!! I’ve always wondered this too, and found it so frustrating to have to manage string filters. 

This needs 1000 votes!!! 
Managing string fields is an absolute headache and very time-consuming.

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Yep!  I ran into a situation where I changed the name of one without considering all the places I would have to update it because it was a string field.

Why was this missed in the first place...

This is 2024. Its unbelievable this thing is still not fixed!!!