Make it able to hang out all the time

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My CSMs would want to be able to use their browser normally -- navigating between Salesforce and Gainsight and our product and LinkedIn yadda yadda -- but always have immediate access to the Timeline.

There are two limitations in the Chrome Plugin that I'm noticing prevent that use case right now:

  1. It's only available when you're on a Gainsight page. When I navigate away, it goes away.

  2. It [i]covers what's behind it on the page, instead of bi]pushing that page content to the left.
I haven't quite used this enough to comment on the first suggestion, but I definitely agree with the second suggestion. I was trying to look at both a report and the global timeline, but had to close the timeline in order to get at the information on the report.
I don't know about #1. I think it's reasonable that the Timeline only shows when you're [i]in Gainsight.  

Completely agree with #2.