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We’ve received some user feedback that it was not intuitive where or how to reply, and had seen an abundance of users using Quote to initiate a reply even when quoting isn’t necessary. 

My analysis is that the Reply (editor) box is often pushed “below the fold” and obscured by the 0 Replies box. Even with the “Be the first to reply” call to action, there’s not a clickable area that’s intuitive for the end user. 

See image below. Reply option is not visible within the window. 


It seems that the 0 replies box is actually more of an X replies box that populates the reply feed on each post (and just displays a message when there are no replies. So it seems necessary to the architecture of each post that it goes: 

  1. Post
  2. X Replies box
  3. Reply (draft/edit) box

My proposed solution is to introduce logic that hides the X Replies box for posts where Replies >1. That would move the reply editor higher in the page and introduce a more intuitive UX. 

Alternatively, the most intuitive solution would be adding a reply option to the original post that’s similar to quote functionality: jump to the reply editor, just without the quote.

I’d personally recommend both. 

Interesting, we haven’t had that issue. Post length maybe could impact where this shows up. 

I feel like part of the issue is that the number of replies and “be the first to reply” take up a lot of space. Putting the two on one line could help here. 

We also customized our phrase to make it more of a CTA 


In the meantime there is a simple workaround to remove that section altogether when there are 0 replies, which can be done with just a few lines of javascript:

var repliesCount = document.getElementsByClassName("qa-total-replies")[0];
if (repliesCount.innerHTML === "0 replies") {
var replyCountArea = document.getElementById("comments");

In combination with the CSS:

.dont-show {

Finally you can play around with this to decide what shows and does not, ie perhaps the number of replies should still appear, just apply the dont-show class to the part you want to hide:


Thanks, @SmartlyGreg! This is very helpful! We’ll probably deploy this solution while the idea collects votes / we see if Insided implements this idea. 

Hey all, great to see the discussion and idea sharing goes on here. @DannyPancratz thanks for raising this, good point that the reply action should be easier to access. 

Internally we also have some early ideas (which still requires some user testing though) and we’d love to hear about your opinions: 

If there’s no reply to this topic yet
If there’re some replies to this topic already

I like the idea as well:

Alternatively, the most intuitive solution would be adding a reply option to the original post that’s similar to quote functionality: jump to the reply editor, just without the quote.


Add a ‘reply’ button in the opening post, which will bring users to the reply section directly. 


Updated idea statusNewOpen

@xiaoyu-shen i’ve just used a third party script to add the profile picture to the reply box myself. i find it grabs the user’s attention. 
Looking forward to the update!

@xiaoyu-shen I like all three of the concepts you’ve shared above. They’re all an improvement over the current UX in my opinion. 

My preference is the third option that has both the reply icon on the original post and the improved UX with the profile picture. 

@xiaoyu-shen I’ve recently implemented the solution @SmartlyGreg shared above (with the help of @matt enbar from support :pray: )

While this helps with posts that have 0 replies, it now occurs to me that posts with 1+ replies still bury the reply box lower on the page. 

Therefore, my recommendation is that the third option in your designs above is best, as it makes replying intuitive and a clear action, rather than Quote as the default option. 

Additionally, I would recommend that Reply be either the first or second option either before or directly after Like. 

@DannyPancratz I got you covered… The caveat being that this will not work when there are multiple pages… and while I’m sure there would be a way to get that to work too, it’d likely be too hacky…


I made it a strong CTA but you could set the class you want and CSS to match, but until this is actually implemented this is what I got:


<!-- Add reply button to original posts -->
console.log("All good!!!");
if ( > 0) {
var objUserLink = document.querySelector('.main-navigation--profile-link');
console.log("All good!");
if ( > 0) {
var defaultReply = document.querySelector("div.reply-editor-wrapper > h3");
defaultReply.setAttribute("id", "replyBox");
console.log("All good here");
var buttonLocation = document.querySelector(".qa-topic-post-box");
var anchorButton = document.createTextNode("Submit a reply!");
var newButton = document.createElement("a");
console.log("All good here too");
var replyButton = document.querySelector("#replyButton");
console.log("And here");
replyButton.setAttribute('class','btn btn--secondary');



#replyButton {
display: flex;
justify-content: center;
align-items: center;
margin: 30px 35% -10px 35%;



The button is an anchor link to the reply box at the bottom… it works! :)

Based on this conversation, I worked with support on implementing @SmartlyGreg’s script above. Today I noticed it was working for some topic types (questions, conversations), but not others (ideas, product updates). So Matt helped me update it and here’s the script if others want to use it. 

third party scripts to use for hiding the 0 replies box for all topic types


@DannyPancratz apologies, I dont have these sections enabled yet so I didn’t think to check. Glad you managed to sort it!

I bloody love it when I wander into a thread and find ingenious solutions to things I was thinking about. Thank you @SmartlyGreg!

Also i totally agree with adding a reply button in the same style as the “Quote button on each post/comment.

@Onomatopoeia @DannyPancratz BTW I’ve applied the style for the secondary button on the reply button but that is just styling, you can of course put the class you want and apply the CSS to implement the style you want. This can be easily added via CSS for example:

background-image: url("data:image/svg+xml,%3Csvg xmlns='' viewBox='0 0 24 24' width='24' height='24'%3E%3Cpath fill='none' d='M0 0H24V24H0z'/%3E%3Cpath d='M11 20L1 12l10-8v5c5.523 0 10 4.477 10 10 0 .273-.01.543-.032.81C19.46 16.95 16.458 15 13 15h-2v5z' fill='rgba(161,161,161,1)'/%3E%3C/svg%3E");


Source: → Search “Reply”

Thanks again @SmartlyGreg! I’ve implemented it as a primary CTA for now - will take a look at Hotjar in a few weeks and see how it’s impacting user behaviour :)

@Onomatopoeia I do hope your report back your findings! Very valuable input for the idea to be implemented!!!

Hey! Not sure what the progress has been on this but I’ve received feedback from multiple users that it’s difficult to scroll to the bottom of a post in order to reply.

They would love to see the reply button on the post, or, as they scroll down to see all of the replies, the reply button will move with them and they could always press it.