Thanks for sharing it here @printsteward. Is it possible for you to add more details how the exported data is typically used ? This would help us understand the problem better.
@everyone please upvote if you have a similar requirement and help us prioritize.
athenahealth would also support this change! CSMs may need to export their BoB to pivot on any of the displayed fields (how many clients in my BoB are in each state, or in the same status.) All other report tiles are available to download, and our end users want feature parity across Gainsight Home.
Noted. We will add this improvement to our roadmap.
Thanks for the response @angela_domenichelli
My team wanted a periodic download for use as a snapshot of sorts, so they could quickly analyze or slice and dice, or so they could marry to other data they may have had locally in a spreadsheet.
One small bit of confusion arose because Downloads are supported on Dashboards (if they are so configured), and there were questions about why Gainsight Home, which looked materially similar to the Table-style Reports on a Dashboard, didn’t have this same capacity.
This has been a frequent request from our CSMs as well. Similar to the “Customers” Tab that used to exist in Salesforce edition, CSMs like to download the data regularly to create strategy with sales partners, managers, etc. real time. Any updates on roadmap prioritization would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks @austin_hendrix for referencing the related Idea… I’ve merged the two for ease of tracking. Let me get this to the attention of the PM.
The following idea has been merged into this idea:
All the votes have been transferred into this idea.
@Dheepak G bringing this under your radar.
Adding my thoughts here as well. Please enable this capability.
Raising this need again. Where is this at in roadmap planning?
Any updates on this idea? We have My Portfolio setup on dashboards instead of GS Home so users are able to download all of the reports they see besides My Portfolio. It would be nice to have parity between all of the reports types shown on dashboards. Also, due to the mass edit feature we mainly use My Portfolio as their main account list, not being able to download it with the fields that they are manually keeping up to date feels like a big miss since that data can’t be easily shared outside of GS with other cross functional teams.
Yes please, for all of the reasons outlined above.