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Need User Points and Positive content helpfulness votes for the exported CSVs !

Related products: CC Analytics & Reporting CC Gamification & Engagement

Why is User Points (Points earned) and Positive content helpfulness votes not included as Data when exporting to a CSV under any of the export type? It should ideally have been available with User / Topics but it isn’t.

  1. How can we have User Points (Points earned) to a CSV or export?
  2. How can we have Positive Content Helpfulness votes to a CSV or export?
Other fields are available except Points earned

Thank you !

It would have been ideal that we have those 2 data columns be available under Topic and User export type csv.


Hello Yasas_AK,

Thanks for sharing your ideas about the CSV exports.
Would you like to see helpfulness votes as part of the Topic export, or the User export or both?
Currently helpfulness votes are anonymous. This means that we don’t have information about the user who voted. So at this moment it would be impossible to make it part of the User export. 
Other ideas have been submitted recently about tracking the user who voted about helpfulness.


Updated idea statusNewOpen

Hi @Dick,
Thanks for the reply; I would appreciate having helpfulness votes in Topics export and User Points (Points earned) under User export. What is the update on User Points being available for export?
Thanks & Best Regards,

Hi @Dick,
Any update on this?

I need User Points (Points earned) and Positive content helpfulness votes soon for a dashboard!

Thanks & Best Regards,

Content helpfulness votes is an OKR for our community this year so +1 from me!

I also want to see Topic Helpfulness (Upvotes, Neutral, Downvotes) as part of the exports. Topic Helpfulness is a huge factor in determining the user’s perception of content quality and it is a part of our KPI setup which we currently can’t really measure in full.

I suggest to create an own export for that, as anonymous users can vote too and all current exports focus on actions that are limited to logged-in users.

+100 on this one. This is making the management of our rewards program incredibly difficult

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

Hi Gainsight team,

can you give us an update on this idea?

Topic helpfulness is an important factor in monitoring / assessing content quality as well as it is an engagement metric, like likes and comments. Not being able to export the numbers limits Gainsight clients in their abilities to fully analyse the platform content and identifying hero content (with lots of positive votes) or finding potential painpoints (content with lots of negative votes).

Thank you!