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Outlook Gainsight Assist exclude Inactive Company Person records in Log To results

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According to support, when Gainsight Assist logs an email to Timeline, it matches the recipient emails to a Company, Person and the associated Company Persons records in GS.  However, GS only considers the status of the Company and Person record not the Company Person record when returning a Company to log the activity to. 

As a result, we have noticed that GS Assist retrieves Companies where the Company Person record is Inactive because the Company and the Person record are both active. We are in the healthcare industry where facilities and whole systems are being acquired and sold at record numbers. I am regularly pulling facilities out of one hierarchy to put them into another. When this happens, the Company Person remains in the old Company but its status is changed to “Inactive” while the Company and Person record remain Active. When GS Assist offers all the Companies that Person record is associated with there is a risk of the activity being mistakenly logged to the incorrect Company timeline. It would be great if GS Assist would not return the Company where the Company Person records are Inactive.   

I find it maddening that an inactive company person shows as an option for the log to timeline functionality. We have customer contacts change between several companies that we work with, so it’s nice to have that historical tracking of oh they used to work at X and now they work at Y. I do not believe anyone would ever want to log an email to the inactive company and not the active company person record.

I think this really just underscores why EMAIL should be a Company Person field, not a Person field. I literally always get a company-specific email address and nobody is walking around doing business on their personal Gmail account.

I’m running into this same issue. I’m trying to clean up some orphaned Company Person records that no longer have an associated record in Salesforce (our source of truth for contact data). I was hoping I could simply mark these Company Person records as inactive via a rule, but because of this limitation, it seems I need to delete them entirely, which of course is not able to be fully automated. What is the point of having an out of the box “active” field on Company Person if not for a use case like this?

Agreed with all above, we have a large account hierarchy that a contact was inadvertantly place in for 50 accounts.  We inactivated them, however every email to this contact (our main POC) results in a bounce back requiring the CSM to select the account for them to connect the email to.  This is becoming increasingly frustrating and resulting activities no longer being logged.