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Out of the box reporting for standard industry email metrics does not exist in this platform if you want to be able to slice and dice the data. I have to look to AO Emails to refine by Vertical or Segment, rather than Email Logs, however, it's not intuitive.

Email Logs vs AO Emails

Sent / Delivered / Total Opens / Total Clicks / Unique Opens / Unique Clicks

Email send time (this is equivalent to Delivered) / Email Open Count / Link Clicked Count / Last Email Opened Date / Email Clicked Date

I'm not sure how that could be any less intuitive. Plus, Email Logs and these fields in AO Emails do not allow for Formula fields so I can't have a report or a dashbaord that displays these metrics in rates, from what I've tried so far.

Email Template Performance Report, found in Program Analytics, would be a great start alas it is nowhere to be found in Report Builder and is missing some key metrics. Please give us standard email marketing metric fields that don't require this type of work around.

Related posts:

​Percentage of click rate and open rate of the email delivered through Program​

​Email Template Performance Report - customize columns

@kelly apologies for the delay. We are currently behind on our release schedule for the new version of JO due to higher priority tasks. I prefer not to provide another timeline on this ongoing thread, but I’m here to assist you build the reports you mentioned in the coming weeks and work on a user guide that may benefit others as well. This should provide some support until we can resume work on the reporting enhancements.

@dayn.johnson I missed your question. You can access the link analytics from the Step-wise report in program analytics. Click on the bar chart for the email with links, and in the pop-up window, select the "Links Clicked" stats




​​@dayn.johnson I missed your question. You can access the link analytics from the Step-wise report in program analytics. Click on the bar chart for the email with links, and in the pop-up window, select the "Links Clicked" stats




Thank you ​@vmallya -- question on this: if there are multiple links in tracked in the email, does it break those out in the section showing the individual link? And if yes, is there an upper limit? (ex: in advanced JO, it maxes out at 5 links)