Requesting a change in the terminology used in Engagement Analytics

Related products: PX Analytics

Hello team,

I’m raising this Feature Request on behalf of Kinga Kornacka of Sales Manago.
“I would like to have proper analytics, telling me that the engagement was seen by the user only if they actually seen it.”
This request is in the context of single step Guide Engagement or Tooltips which are marked as “dropped-off” when the Mapped UI element is missing in their application and yet their User profile activity shows that they viewed the engagement.
She would like to prevent the views of these users who didn’t see the engagement from adding up to the actual engagement view count.


I would even take this a step further and not even mark users as having any interaction with the engagement at all, rather than just a terminology change.  I’ve experienced this same issue and it seems to be a bug rather than a feature request as users who have not seen the engagement are then marked as “dropped off” and will not be served the engagement once they can access the element.

To use an example, if I created an engagement which was limited to one page in my app and a user never navigated to that page, they shouldn’t be marked as “dropped off”, they would just never have seen it in the first place and shouldn’t appear in any engagement metrics until they’re actually served the engagement.