Subscription Data

Related products: CC Analytics & Reporting

I would like to see data on subscriptions:

  • Who is subscribed
  • Multiple subscriptions 
  • When they subscribed
  • Unsubscribe info 

I cant push people to subscribe and have zero data to support if my efforts are working or not.

Thanks for sharing this idea @CommunityKaila!

Linking a similar idea about showing higher level metric about the number of users subscribed to specific areas of the community.


Updated idea status NewOpen

this is a good idea!

I don’t understand why this wouldn’t be OOB functionality. If we are using the community for user news and alerts, we would want to see who is receiving that information. Definitely upvoted!

Agreed, upvote. 

The following idea has been merged into this idea:

All the votes have been transferred into this idea.

Just upvoted this idea and support the value this would provide. Our Product Marketing team has taken ownership of the Product Updates feature and is specifically looking to report on this information. Hope to see this one be added to the roadmap in the near future.

Upvoted! We’re planning on moving all Product Update notifications to the Community. This data is crucial to tracking the success of these notifications. Thanks!

Chiming in to add my support. We currently track users who click “Subscribe” for various topics using our own platform, but having this data available and exportable from inSided would streamline. 

Would love to be able to see who subscribed!! 

@daniel.boon would you be able to share if being able to see who subscribed is on the future roadmap? We’re particularly interested in seeing who subscribes to our Product Updates section. 

@Cristina or @Sebastian 

Do we have an update on this idea?

Any news on this? This is essential to our use of this platform efficiently!

Agreed, wholeheartedly. It’s obvious the data is there since the system knows to push out Product Updates to the subscribers. Tracking subscriptions is a key part for my team in tracking engagement. Also, we may wish to email just the users who are subscribed with relevant information - or vice-versa, to increase subscription volume. What do we need to do to push this idea forward?

Seeing data on subscribed users is essential for us, as we’re also planning to use Community for Product News instead of an email campaigns. 

Any news on this one?

Voting for this as well! 

Adding my support for this idea. Knowing how many of our customers are receiving product update information is critical to our success. 

Wanting to bump this one back onto everyone’s radar as we are having issues with our notifications not going to specific users. 

Wanting to bump this one back onto everyone’s radar as we are having issues with our notifications not going to specific users. 


I have this exact issue right now with users stating they are not receiving communications. It is hard to confirm if they are actually subscribed if I can’t see a report or list of who has subscrbed first.