UI Issues in 5.2

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Posting in behalf of another community member:

With the latest update in GonG, I've noticed a few UI issues: 

1. the fields in the C360 summary get cut and there's no way to scroll done (see screen shot, opt-out date)

2. Also for the health score bars, it seems like there is some gray above the green - is this intentional? It implies to me that this wasn't fully green (which isn't the case)

    Is there a screen shots showing this (referenced but not linked)?
    #1 is a known issue and should be fixed in the next patch release. 

    On #2, the gray bars were introduced to improve graph alignment. If they are not completely filled vertically, this means the score was less than 100. But if the customer is seeing gray space even with a full score, this is not expected behavior. Please do share the screenshots.

