CTA Task screen be able to associate a contact

Related products: CS Cockpit & Playbooks

Currently you create the CTA Task, then you add a task, and on that task screen, you cannot associate a contact. You first have to save the task, then associate a contact. I'd like to be able to associate the contact and log the notes all on the main screen. The reason for this is that we want to be able to create CTA Tasks and sync the underlying task to SFDC for calls we are having on the fly. It would be quickest for our process to be able to complete everything on that main screen.
Agree...associating the Contact should be part of creating the Task, not an added step.

And there is still the issue that the associated Contact in the Gainsight task is not carried over to the Salesforce task. See Contact on Task Not Synching.
Hi Megan, 

You should be able to associate contacts while creating a task, in the main screen itself, using the Associate Contacts option. 

However like Kristin mentioned, associated contacts are not synced back to SFDC tasks. The main reason being that we can link multiple contacts to a GS Task but the SFDC task cannot hold this kind of information with a straight forward mapping. 

If you only need to link one contact with a task then the following solutions can be used -

  1. Create custom lookup fields on Gainsight task object (JBCXM__CSTask__c) that is looking up to a contact. 

  2. From "Detail view layout configuration" under Cockpit Config in admin, modify the task layout to include the newly added contact field. 

  3. From "Task field mapping configuration" under Cockpit config, map Contact ID in Gainsight to Name ID in Salesforce task object. 

  4. When you link a contact to a task from the task detail view (also possible while creating a task) from cockpit, then all synced tasks will be visible on the corresponding contact and account pages in SFDC.

Hi Megan,

As part of the Fall release(will be Available in Oct - Nov 2017), we will be syncing the Contacts from GS task to SFDC task. If there are multiple Contacts associated to GS task then the last added contact would get synced, but if you have enabled multiple contacts option in SFDC task then all the Contacts would be synced.

Let me know if you need more information.

