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Timeline Activities with Required Fields

Related products: CS Timeline

Our head of Professional Services wants to use Timeline to essentially do time-tracking for her team, using an activity's Duration field. However, she'd like for me to be able to set the Duration field to be required before an activity can be saved.
Our team is also interested in making certain fields mandatory when logging something to the timeline.  The duration field being most important.

Great idea, we have added it to the roadmap. ETA to be decided.


Any updates on this one?
Hi Heather,

No ETA yet, we will try to implement it soon.


Bump for this.  We want to require a dropdown where CSMs designate whether their activities are reactive or proactive so we can see where the team is spending their time.  Without requiring the field, we probably won't be able to collect the data we're looking for since it will be so easy to ignore.
Wow GREAT idea for a timeline field 
Great idea. We’ve temporarily solved this by creating separate timeline activity types for reporting. Escalation(reactive) vs strategic(proactive) meeting.
Thanks for the idea Jennifer - that sounds like a great way to do it too.  If our CSMs ignore the reactive/proactive field we may consider something similar to this.  The reason we're not doing it that way now is because we'd have to lose some of the distinction in activity types as we're currently tracking them or almost double the amount of activity types to create reactive/proactive options for most of them.
Hey Seth!

Adding to this desire, since the functionality of "Sync to Events" was enabled, there also certain field requirements for this sync to complete as expected. 

For example: the "Duration" field is needed from the Timeline Activity to be synced to Events. However, this field is not currently marked as mandatory in the Gainsight Timeline when adding the activity. This means that users are not required to enter in a value for this field, which will prevent that activity from syncing back to SFDC. 

In order to prevent missing synced activities in the Activity Timeline, making this field mandatory would be very helpful!
I totally agree.  We just ran into this with event syncing and it turns this required fields idea from a feature request to a necessary product update.  Without it event syncing basically breaks (short of someone auditing every timeline event to make sure the duration field was filled out)

This enhancement will be a part of April release.


This is great news!  Thanks for the update.