Unify operators in Survey Display/Skip logic with every other filter

Related products: CS Surveys & NPS

The same old same old multi-select picklist is BACK in surveys :

In skip or display logic, the operator is systematically an “IN”. It’s inconsistent with every other filtering capability in the platform which offers - even for multi-select picklists more than just the “IN” operator. It also offers a “NOT IN”. 

The challenge: 

I have a multi-select picklist in a survey question which captures versions. An answer may have several values (for example: 6.6.1 and 7.1.2). If someone is IN “7.1.2”, it is not sufficient to determine they should not see subsequent questions. I would need to know that:

  • CONDITION A: IN 7.1.2


  • CONDITION B: NOT IN 6.x.x (and all the “6” options)

And with the current tool, I CANNOT determine the second condition. The operator is automatically an “IN”. 


The need:

Please align available operators in survey skip / display logic with operators in other areas of the platform, i.e. : equals, not equals, in, not in, contains, does not contain, starts with, is null, is not null.

It’s about consistency, usefulness, admin QoL…


@rakesh and @vmallya - this is probably at the crossroads of your responsibilities so tagging you both. 







The need:

Please align available operators in survey skip / display logic with operators in other areas of the platform, i.e. : equals, not equals, in, not in, contains, does not contain, starts with, is null, is not null.

It’s about consistency, usefulness, admin QoL…

