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View Online link for emails

Related products: CS Journey Orchestrator, Email & Notifications

It is email best practice to include a “view online” link at the top of marketing emails. See example attached.

Most CSM tools would host the email on the site/severs (similar to how images are typically hosted) and the link would be generated in a similar fashion to the “unsubscribe” link.

Gainsight support team have told me that this feature is currently not available.

I would strongly recommend that this feature is developed because by including a view online link, you can ensure that your email message is displayed as intended, regardless of the recipient's email client.

Thanks for your consideration.

I would like to see this in community platform and with Emails campaign feature as well.

For example: You send newsletter to users, it will be published to the community as well. Pressing the “View online” link directs you to the community to read the newsletter, if you like.

Btw, this would help you as a community manager as well - you dont have to create and send email AND publish the article to the community same time.