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Webhook event for when topics move

Related products: CC API & Integrations

I suspect this might exist as a hidden event, but I’d love to have access as a customer. 

I’m most interested in when questions move, but I think it’d be good to add for all topic types. 

My use case: 

I have some custom gamification tracking activity within specific categories, etc. The setup is outside of the ootb automations for badges within a set category. 

Often topics are posted in the wrong category and the gamification tracking is missed as people engage on the thread. When I move the topic as part of daily moderation, a webhook could trigger the automation to run. 


Archiving use case:

I’m ideating around two scenarios for archiving content: 

  1. Move to Archive category after x days based on moderator tag
  2. Auto-Archive (move category) based on keyword in Flagged/Reported notification

#1 is for questions that are no longer relevant after a certain amount of time (ex. about a feature not available, but coming in an upcoming release). I could build a way to automating moving the topic after adding a moderator tag like “archive100” where the automation uses the appended number (100) to delay for 100 days before moving the category. 

#2 is for crowdsourced and self-sustaining community moderation. I could incentivize users reporting outdated content. Based on a prescribed with a keyword in their reasoning, the post could auto-archive. Then I could develop any notifications in slack or saved views in Control for an admin review once a week or whatever I decided. 

Came back to add this idea, discovered I already had. 

Commenting for visibility.