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Hello all,

I love the addition of being able to send follow up outreaches based on a outreach that was already sent. But I feel like you are pretty limited to sending survey reminders or simple emails. 

The reason being that since the power list that gets created is built of the email logs object. This limits the ability to use the same tokens that are used in the initial outreach. The only options availible are fields from the Email logs or contact object. 

For example if you build the first power list off a custom object and use an email in the from email from the custom object you aren't going to be able to do the same thing in the follow up power list because it is built off the email logs.

I know the structure is simply not set up to work any differently and it works as it is designed but I anticipate a lot of customers will see it as a let down when they reach this limitation. 

Is there anything on the roadmap that might enhance this feature(If even possible)?

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