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When we originally onboarded with Gainsight, we set something up so that a few members of our team automatically get emailed copies of the rule results, copilot outreaches, etc. Now I'd like to remove someone from that list and I don't remember how we set it up in the first place. Can someone remind me where I can customize who receives these emails? 

Thank you,

Hi Dallis, We can definitely help you with the configuration. Can I schedule a call to look at the rule before I suggest the changes.
Sure. If this is a deeper configuration, I can contact my CSM. I just thought there was somewhere in the admin options that would allow me to configure this. 
Hey Dallis! I believe you're talking about the "Schedule" step of the Rules setting. Go to the Rule and click Edit. Go to "Schedule," which is step 4. There is a section at the bottom called "Send notification email." I'm assuming you put people under the "On Success:" list. 

I hope that helps!!
Same thing as Faust mentioned goes for CoPilot outreaches -- the scheduling section includes the option to email people when it was successful or a failure.
