Community Bytes w/ Sarah Masterton-Brown: 3 important factors when launching a community

  • 30 October 2023
  • 1 reply
Community Bytes w/ Sarah Masterton-Brown: 3 important factors when launching a community
Userlevel 7
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I’m excited about this one because this topic feels so unique, yet so much to learn and implement from each other’s experience.

We're delving into the unique world of community launches, with the fabulous @sarahmasterton-brown  sharing some golden tips on this.

Let’s dive right in to the details:



  1. Don’t stress the numbers rollercoaster: It’s quite normal to witness a surge in registrations & views in the initial 3 months, followed by a possible dip. But fear not! This rollercoaster can help a lot in understanding your community's growth patterns and fine-tuning your strategies for the long haul.
  2. Spot your customer advocates: Rally support from them (Check 00:38 for a real example from Mews)
  3. Slow down on Gamification in the early days: Channel your efforts into creating value-driven interactions that resonate with your new members. Save the dazzling gamification fireworks for later down the road—perhaps around the 6-month mark.


Which tip resonates with you the most when you launched your community?

Is there anything you would add into this?


ICYMI: Check out Sarah’s much needed nuggets on some strategies to encourage new member engagement. 


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Userlevel 7
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Awesome! Sarah guiding how to ride that hype cycle 🏄🏻

All the 3 points resonate. Valuable resource for any team who’s just shifted into gear 1.
