Community Bytes w/ Seth Wylie: A healthy start is a focused start

  • 30 August 2023
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Community Bytes w/ Seth Wylie: A healthy start is a focused start
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Are you the new manager of an existing community?

Are you launching a new community?


Stepping into a new community is like setting sail on a fresh (and slightly intimidating) adventure, and I'm sure many of you can relate. We all know it's not a one-size-fits-all journey.

But let's consider those fundamental factors that can make or break those early steps into a community.. 


To kickstart this conversation, I've brought in a seasoned community friend, @seth. I’ve had the opportunity to share ideas, brainstorm strategies, and work with him on all things community. 



🎯 Here's the golden nugget that’s truly universal: "Keep a crystal-clear focus on what your community is trying to achieve."


You also need to make very clear decisions on:

  • Program Types: What kind of initiatives or programs will resonate most with your community members?
  • Content Strategy: What type of content will be genuinely useful and engaging for your audience?
  • Engaging with Thought Leaders: Who are the potential thought leaders in your niche, and how can you interact with them effectively?


These decisions can act as your compass, helping you navigate through the disorienting ‘fog’ when a community is young (or you’re inexperienced in an existing community). Plus, it also gives you a strong stance when discussing ideas with higher-ups.


To add to this treasure trove, I also found some inspirational insights from @cstrange’s experiences in managing a new community.


I’d love to make this more personal and ask you:

  • What other factors do you consider absolutely crucial when launching a community?
  • What has worked its magic during your community's launch that others can draw inspiration from?
  • Have you had any memorable hits or misses during your community's launch?


Would love to hear from you! ✍🏼


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