Example Rank Names & Levels

  • 27 July 2023
  • 8 replies

I’m currently advising my client on setting up their gamification for launch, and we are discussing the rank names at this time. 

Wondering if my fellow community members here would be willing to share a screenshot or example of your rank names? 

We are looking for inspiration as we brainstorm the various level names for this new community (which will serve an audience of B2B healthcare professionals)! Many thanks! 

8 replies

Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Hi @jennyweigle 

When setting up a gamification system remember that the rank names should reflect the healthcare theme and create a sense of progression and achievement for the participants.

Here is a nice topic 


For additional ideas I add our Gamification Guru @Nadia Nicolai and Onboarding Team Member @arminfpop .


What does the rest of the community think is a Good Number of Ranks to have ? avoid?



Thanks Alistair! I’m a fan of launching with at least 10 rank levels, and then adding more over time. Too few rank levels usually means the highest rank is easy to achieve. 

Userlevel 1

Hi @jennyweigle ,

Our community has a virtual neighborhood feel:


And I wanted our ranks to relate to it. Here are ours:

  • New Member: You've just joined! Welcome to the family.
  • Explorer: Getting to know the lay of the land? Keep going!
  • Helper: You're offering a hand, and we see that!
  • Advocate: You're not just part of the community; you're telling the world about it.
  • Influencer: Others are taking note and following your lead.
  • Educator: You're now teaching, guiding, and inspiring us all.
  • Community Council: Stepping into a governance role? You're a cornerstone.
  • mChampion Level 1: You've entered our Rewards Program. Let the perks begin!
  • mChampion Level 2: Climbing up! Your rewards are getting even better.
  • mChampion Level 3
  • Employee
Userlevel 4
Badge +1

Ooo you can go by TV doctors :)

Apprentice to Doogie Houser

Assistant to Dr. House

Inquisitive like Dr. Watson


Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Oh, I love this topic! Ranks. So important part of every online community. Same time I feel ranks are so difficult.

I think @Alistair FIeld said well:

Hi @jennyweigle 

When setting up a gamification system remember that the rank names should reflect the healthcare theme and create a sense of progression and achievement for the participants.

Here is a nice topic 


Also I want to add that ranks should reflect your company and the business as well. Also good ranks should reflect your brand - what your brand stands for. Same time ranks should be insightful and inspiring, what motivates users to earn them one by one.

We have run the community 9 years by now. I have to say that we have struggled with the ranks all the time. Our company is telco and it is so difficult to find ranks what matches with the telco business. I dont want this kind of ranks like Explorer / Helper / Advocate etc, because I find them boring and there are 6^10 communities what uses same ranks. With those it is difficult to stand out.

I think Spotify community has the best ranks:

  • Visitor
  • Newbie                
  • Casual Listener
  • Regular                
  • Music Fan           
  • Gig Goer             
  • Roadie
  • Songwriter         
  • Composer
  • Rising Star          
  • Spotify Star
  • Community Legend

Ooo you can go by TV doctors :)

Apprentice to Doogie Houser

Assistant to Dr. House

Inquisitive like Dr. Watson


@juan.delrio This cracked me up!!! 🤣

Hi @jennyweigle ,

Our community has a virtual neighborhood feel:


And I wanted our ranks to relate to it. Here are ours:

  • New Member: You've just joined! Welcome to the family.
  • Explorer: Getting to know the lay of the land? Keep going!
  • Helper: You're offering a hand, and we see that!
  • Advocate: You're not just part of the community; you're telling the world about it.
  • Influencer: Others are taking note and following your lead.
  • Educator: You're now teaching, guiding, and inspiring us all.
  • Community Council: Stepping into a governance role? You're a cornerstone.
  • mChampion Level 1: You've entered our Rewards Program. Let the perks begin!
  • mChampion Level 2: Climbing up! Your rewards are getting even better.
  • mChampion Level 3
  • Employee

Many thanks @KellyBebenek! This is exactly the type of example my client is interested in seeing. 👍🏼 

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

We mostly are using our certification levels, which I think is helpful context to display as Ranks display on product-based communities if your client has formal certification of training levels. 

After that, our superuser program (SME) gets a call out. We combine that with certification when applicable (usually is), so the Rank is “SME + {certification level}”

We’ve “integrated” that via automations that add a custom user role when someone achieves that level of certification. The automation gives them a badge and custom role, so that they have the badge, but also so that the custom roles triggers rank automations (which can be set based on user roles).
