
Integration Insided and Linkedin

Hey Community! 

I’m wondering if it is possible to integrate Insided and LinkedIn. 
the idea: every time a user gets a badge, they will have an option of post it on Linkedin and tell all their network. 

Ideas? Thoughts? 

2 replies

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

I’d love for this to be possible as well. 

One solution we have for this is using Credly for Linkedin badging for some badging (our certifications and super user program). How it works is they essentially get the badge twice. When they pass their certification exam, we have an app setup that awards them the credly badge for linkedin (via Credly’s API) and the corresponding community badge on Insided (via Insided’s API). 

While technically two different badges, I’ve found that our community members think of them in tandem since they mirror each other. 

Unless Insided has this capability, you could do this with Zapier or something to automate the dual badging with one trigger. But that moves your initial trigger out of Insided’s admin control and into something like a spreadsheet or however you trigger the dual awarding of the badge. Alternatively, you could just take the steps to award it twice: via Insided admin control and through Credly/whatever service you use. 

Of course, it comes with whatever the cost is for Credly or a similar service.

I’d love for this to be possible as well. 

One solution we have for this is using Credly for Linkedin badging for some badging (our certifications and super user program). How it works is they essentially get the badge twice. When they pass their certification exam, we have an app setup that awards them the credly badge for linkedin (via Credly’s API) and the corresponding community badge on Insided (via Insided’s API). 

While technically two different badges, I’ve found that our community members think of them in tandem since they mirror each other. 

Unless Insided has this capability, you could do this with Zapier or something to automate the dual badging with one trigger. But that moves your initial trigger out of Insided’s admin control and into something like a spreadsheet or however you trigger the dual awarding of the badge. Alternatively, you could just take the steps to award it twice: via Insided admin control and through Credly/whatever service you use. 

Of course, it comes with whatever the cost is for Credly or a similar service.


Great idea! I’ll try Zapier! 
Thanks a lot
