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Leaderboard badge display not respecting user's badge opt-out preference

  • 11 July 2022
  • 5 replies

Last week we introduced the Leaderboard feature to our community. Other than a lot of feedback, one user drew attention to something that may be a bug or oversight.

On the full leaderboard, badges are also shown. We have multiple users however who do not want to have their earned badges shown on their profile or anywhere on the community. Unfortunately, the full leaderboard does not respect this preference and shows badges regardless of the users setting for badges.

Would it be possible to make it so badges aren't shown on the full leaderboard, if a user chose to not display their badges?

5 replies


That does sound a little buggy to me. I think @Alistair FIeld might be able to help get this sent off to the teams though

That would be grand.

Userlevel 4
Badge +4

Hi @Stijn ✌️,

Yeah I agree this is a good catch and it looks like an oversight on our part. We need to get these leaderboard pages to reflect the preferences for each user. I will feed this back to the product team to see if this can be fit in on the roadmap at some point.

For now, we can use custom CSS to hide these badges on the leaderboard, but this will be an ‘all or nothing’ kind of approach, where we hide all badges on this page even if users have the permission set to visible.

Would this be something that would be helpful to you? Let me know and I’ll be happy to implement it.

My apologies for the late reply, but thank you for yours. I'll have to discuss if this would be a good workaround temporarily. I'll let you know if we would have it implemented later.

It seems our Super-Users are fine with how it is right now, so the full removal of badges is not necessary. Of course we would still like to see the badge opt-out implemented fully with the leaderboard. :)
