💡 Spotlight: How Goosechase leverages Email Campaigns to onboard their members

  • 18 April 2023
  • 9 replies

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Welcome to our Customer Spotlight Series. 

We want to share all the cool stuff that our customers are doing using our fabulous features and hope by sharing their great stories we hope to bring the 🌍 community closer together and💥Spark ideas to help you advance your customer hub.


In this first instalment we meet the Goosechase Community 👋


About the Goosechase Community

With Goosechase, experience is everything. Originally inspired by scavenger hunts, Goosechase is an online platform that enables organizations and schools to engage, activate, and educate their communities through delightful interactive experiences. Hatched in Canada, Goosechase has been powering hundreds of thousands of global team building, training, fundraising, education, tours, and recreational games since 2011.


The Nest is Goosechase’s creator community, a dedicated space for creators to learn from, connect with, and get inspired by one another. Made up of power users and novices alike, members of The Nest are passionate about using the platform to create and share unique Experiences.


The challenge Goosechase wanted to solve

Goosechase wanted to give their customers a warm welcome and a soft landing in The Nest (yes, pun intended) by showing them around the community, connecting them to relevant content and getting them more engaged. However, scaling this to support dozens of daily new users wasn’t sustainable, which is why Goosechase chose to leverage Email Campaigns to help them scale their customer onboarding on the community.


How Goosechase leverages automated Email Campaigns to onboard their members

@KrisGoose , Head of Community at Goosechase, uses Email Campaigns to create an onboarding drip flow, which means that at 1 day, 7 days, 14 days, etc. after someone registers, they will automatically receive a personalized email nudging them to interact with different parts of the community. Here’s how he set it up:


✉️ Day 1: Tips to get started on The Nest Community

Triggers: Registration date is more than 1 day ago


✉️ Day 7: Joining the flock

Triggers: Registration date is more than 7 day ago


✉️ Day 14: Having fun in the nest

Triggers: Registration date is more than 14 day ago



According to a recent survey from Campaign Monitor, the average open rate for email campaigns is about 21%, and the average click-through rate (so users that clicked on a link in the email) is about 2%. Keeping that in mind, I think it’s pretty obvious that Goosechase nailed their email campaigns 💪Congrats!




We’d love to hear from you!

How are you leveraging Email Campaigns? Are you using it to cater for other use cases than onboarding? Got a cool email template you’d like to show off? Let us know in the comments!

9 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5

I’m totally new to trying out email campaigns, but this seems like a unique way to do re-engage at early different intervals, without really overburdening the members. @Alistair FIeld 

I’m curious to know if there was a pattern for the open rate and click-through rate that Goosechase noticed from the first mail to the last one?

Did it increase or decrease with time and did they do any modifications to change things up with each mail?

Userlevel 4
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All good questions @revathimenon .

Maybe @KrisGoose can keep the discussion going 😀 as the journey continues.

First off, so grateful to @Sebastian and @Alistair FIeld for the spotlight here, I think I was starting to become a pain in their respective “backsid-eds” (smirking emoji).

But as a Community team of one right now, I knew I needed help to scale my onboarding as a personal message and setting up onboarding calls with every new member wasn’t scalable. This at least helps me ensure everyone gets consistent messaging and we push them towards a quick win as soon as possible.

All that to say, The Nest is nothing more than a hatchling at this point in time so engagement and contributions are still low but I feel better knowing this part is automated as new members join.

As for ongoing metrics, since these campaigns are running at all times I will share the updated performance metrics below:

We’re averaging a 50% open rate currently with the Day 30 email being the highest at almost 54%. This leads me to believe that they’ve gained familiarity with email and are more willing to open it. The content in our Day 7 email seems to be the one that garners to most clicks and thankfully we have very few emails ending up in spam or being ubsubscribed to

Thanks again for this feature, and if I can help in anyway let me know (A High tide raises all ships as they say)





Userlevel 7
Badge +5

Thank you for responding & sharing these details @KrisGoose 🙌🏼

A huge fan of all the word play here as well, especially the hatchling bit 😄

Userlevel 6
Badge +7

Great spotlight! I’ll definitely be referencing this when I finally get to building something similar. 


  1. I love the puns and that you’ve extended your branding even in your reply above (“more of a hatchling...”)
  2. Can you share a screenshot of your day 30 email? You mentioned the open rate is the highest for that one and I’m curious to your approach.
  3. Do you have any other conditions (like last login or number of topics) beyond registration date for your later emails? 
Userlevel 4
Badge +2

Nice job @KrisGoose 👌

I am cyrious to know do you see any increase about the users activity in the community because of these onboarding emails?

Open rate is good, CTR pretty ok, but how about activity? 

Great spotlight! I’ll definitely be referencing this when I finally get to building something similar. 


  1. I love the puns and that you’ve extended your branding even in your reply above (“more of a hatchling...”)
  2. Can you share a screenshot of your day 30 email? You mentioned the open rate is the highest for that one and I’m curious to your approach.
  3. Do you have any other conditions (like last login or number of topics) beyond registration date for your later emails? 

Hey @DannyPancratz, let me know if I can offer any support when you start building your campaigns out :) 

  1. hehe that’s kind of our M-O at Goosechase, we’re all a little playful and wierd, so that fits in with my dad-joke personality. Stick around I’ll fly a few more Goose puns your way here and there
  2. For sure will add it below my responses
  3. Admittedly as the product was literally being built as I was trying to get these emails into production I opted to keep things to a single condition to avoid a) over complicating and b) risk creating a bug/glitch that would upset the emails from going out

Looking ahead, my plan is to start using the emails for re-engagement plays (Anniversary emails, 90 days no visit or contribution, birthdays, etc). I’m eager to see what @Sebastian has in store for the merger of Segments and Email campaigns, I think that will really take the automation part of this another level… where we at on that again Seb (wink wink) hehe.

Nice job @KrisGoose 👌

I am cyrious to know do you see any increase about the users activity in the community because of these onboarding emails?

Open rate is good, CTR pretty ok, but how about activity? 

In full transparency I have not noticed an increase in user activity. I don’t attribute that to a failings of the email campaigns but more so the fact that I have an extremely new community (just over 2 months old) and we’re still building a user base and trying to showcase the value of the community to our members with our own content. 

I anticipate once we start to build a steady beat of UGC in The Nest that new members on the drip campaign will see the positive behaviours and paired with the nudges from email will push contributions. Thats my theory (aka hope) for now

Very useful information @Alistair FIeld and congratulations on setting up your new (now not so new :)) community @KrisGoose !!
