While there is nothing native that would support this, you could easily have an article that lays out a program of thresholds and reward items based on those thresholds versus a model where people exchange points for rewards as a short-term option.
I love the approach Reddit has for this where points are used towards things that level up your community capabilities and have also seen implementations of third-party rewards tools and platforms to manage things like this.
Hi @Scott Baldwin
Thanks for the response! That sounds like a great idea. Would you consider then a pinned topic that has an outline of all reward tiers and items that can be achieved per point total? Is there a way for users to view how many points they have in their account?
I would love to hear more about these things that level up your community capabilities as well as can you tell me some of these implementations of third-party rewards tools and platforms to manage things like this.
Either a pinned topic or you could feature that in the sidebar using the featured_side moderator tag or even make it a featured topic on your homepage. The leaderboard does show a list of points stack ranked but the profile does not display how many points they have.
As for tools that have been used in communities for rewards:
I actually spoke to a Community Manager earlier this week who is planning to use this service for incentives on his community: https://www.tangocard.com/
Thanks for the ideas and responses @Scott Baldwin and @Julian !
Would love to know your thoughts on implementing something like this native to Insided and the benefits it could have. Currently have been looking into Sendoso as a reward system as well.
Having trouble exporting total data of our community and their members’ points onto a spreadsheet and viewing all users as opposed to top 1000 in leaderboard and manual input. Would love some assistance on that. Thanks!
I’d suggest adding it as an idea @alex.hong -- that’s the path to getting it on the community’s and product’s radar at inSided. I’m sure some others would have similar needs.