
Which analytics tool is easiest to set up a script for visibility of every click of the acquisition funnel?

  • 24 March 2022
  • 1 reply

Userlevel 1

Do lots of members click on a topic creation CTA but never go on to register?


What about that huge drop off from registrations to members making their first post?


Analytics tools like FullStory, GA and Mixpanel give great insight into some things, but I’m missing a big chunk of the sign up journey without creating a script (so I’m told) to track things like clicks to parts of the registration box.


Is this kind of visibility unnecessary? Is it OK just to look at traffic vs sign ups vs active members and go from there? 

1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +3

There are several tools which could give you insights here, I believe. I think Hotjar offers some capabilities, but I am not an expert with this tool specifically.

Mixpanel indeed seems to be able to track which buttons are being clicked on the homepage:

I am not sure if this also is the case for registration forms etc. - but if your community uses SSO, you can also get insights how often the link to your SSO login page has been clicked (this would be measured in the Google Analytics of your company website).
