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What are some of the major points you've relayed or takeaways you've received from reviewing your overall portfolio of health scores (automated & manual) with upper management? No need to dive in specifics! Looking for best practices for a management team that is unfamiliar with health score practices.

Thanks in advance!!
At a very basic level, it's important to make sure the health score is as accurate a reflection of renewal likelihood as possible. You'd never want a situation where the health score was great, but the customer churned (for preventable reasons) nor a healthy customer that has a low score. 

Usually you'll have some good churn data to review historically and make sure that your health score metrics are capturing any of those dynamics to ensure you have an early warning (and appropriate risk framework and calls to action to address). 

Finally, once you have your health score framework built out, it's critical to assess it regularly to ensure it's still providing an accurate early warning system and adjust as needed. 
