
Best Practice: Managing all Rules in Gainsight

  • 13 September 2016
  • 8 replies

Hi! We are new to Gainsight and are busy creating rules, rules and more rules. We are using the recommending naming conventions of "Scorecard:" if the rule is related to the health score and "CTA:" if the rule is related to a CTA. Locating rules in Gainsight is going well. What we are struggling with is the perfect template to track rules, the triggers, the actions, etc from an Administrator perspective. Does anyone have a great excel template they are using to track rules outside of Gainsight? We want to track the steps that need to be taken to trigger the rule and then the actions that will occur once the rule runs (without going into Gainsight to review every rule individually). Thank you! 

8 replies

Userlevel 7
Badge +5
Hi Danella,

I'll make this a little easier to find on Gainsight Go (, but we have this Gainsight Rules Glossary Example that was modeled on a few samples we received from customers. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
For what it's worth, this is what I use! I made it to organize the schedule of things, before Rule Chains existed, but you could add the detail about Actions, Criteria, etc.

(Apologies for the wonkiness -- I blurred out things that relate to the process changes we recently made.)

[i]     ([i]Full resolution[i])

Userlevel 2
Badge +2
There is a Gainsight object for rules that you can report on. I cannot find it for the life of me so hopefully someone comments to help us both out. I took that as a base and iterated off of it in terms of what we change, etc. Helps a ton when you don't work in the same office or same hours as your SF admin!
You guys are awesome! Thank you so much. 
Userlevel 7
Badge +7
Based on a recent comment on a completely unrelated post that I just happen to be following, I think that the answer is: "create a report on 'Automated Alert Rules' object by adding RelatedId, TriggerCriteria in 'show me' section"
Userlevel 6
Badge +4
We are actively working (now) on being able to generate a document directly from Gainsight so that you can see this and have an "instance documentation" for your Gainsight key setup items.
Config snapshot feature includes rules in a CSV document. This is made available as part of 5.4.2 release!
Userlevel 7
Badge +5
Here are details on how to use the new Config Snapshot feature.
