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The primary use case of Success Snapshots is EBR or any other similar business presentation to the execs etc. In the process of exporting a report as snapshot, which essentially is a slide deck, today we let user include any comments field that is present in the report. Comments is a long text field and doesn't easily fit into one slide. Given the nature of a slide presentation (which is supposed to capture highlights of the intended meeting and be presented along with commentary), do we really need to allow comments fields in Success Snapshots ?

Atleast one customer I posed this question to during Pluse said, they are not expecting comments kind of long text fields in Success Snapshot slides. I want to validate my thought process with more customers before making any call on either continuing that feature or taking it out. Your active feedback helps here. 

With out comments. snapshots will look a lot neater. But your voice is final 🙂
I'd agree that Comments fields shouldn't be needed in an EBR. While there might be other meetings you want a Snapshot for, full Comments should still be a rarity, and could be manually added later. Comments slides could always be deleted, but I think there are far more use cases where they're not needed than where they are. So leave them out.
