Happy New Year !
I hope you had a wonderful holiday season with family and friends and trying to get back into the swing of things.
We are planning to send the “2019 Annual Client Satisfaction Survey” in late January and we wanted to reach out for suggestions on the following:
We have an engagement and incentive platform with reporting and analytics on the backend that is sent to our clients. What wording is used to get at specifically satisfaction or dissatisfaction with customer reporting and analytics that speak to activities and outcomes around products our clients purchased. Essentially, we want to know our clients level of satisfaction with our reports and the analytics we provide on their specific accounts/data. We are not interested in the actual results or outcomes of those reports or analytics, but the design/components/layout/frequency/look/value/elements included in our reporting and analytics.
Hope this makes sense!
We appreciate any suggestions you may have.
Thank you in advance,