DCS Scoops w/ Yash Uniyal: Pooled CS

  • 19 July 2023
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DCS Scoops w/ Yash Uniyal: Pooled CS
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Hello everyone!

I’m super thrilled to be kickstarting a new series here, ‘DCS Scoops’ - that will cover all things DCS, in small bite size pieces! 🙂 

I’m hoping this can be the start to a long-term opportunity for all of us to share our experiences and learnings within different areas of DCS, to discuss and help each other out through this community!


To launch this, I’ve got our long-standing community champion @yuniyal  sharing:

According to him, what makes Pooled CS so unique?



Here are his top 3 unique traits of Pooled CS:

  1. Teamwork: the collaborative problem-solving approach makes it possible for each CSM to bring their unique idea to the table.
  2. Identifying trends: CSMs are able to easily identify the trends in customer enquiries and asks, since they handle a large book of business.
  3. Team of experts: Customers get the opportunity to work with a larger Pooled CS team who are equal experts.


What other factors do you feel make Pooled CS so unique?

You can share them here in the comments, or even better yet, drop a new post with a quick video of your thoughts!

Hoping we can all learn together here.


P.S - If there are any specific areas around DCS that you’d love to hear more about - please feel free to let me know!


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