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Gainsight Community Guidelines(July 2017)

  • 6 July 2017
  • 1 reply

Hello Everyone! Welcome to Community! [Community Guidelines ]

Gainsight is a community of real people who are passionate about customer success. Here they collaborate on answers, solutions and ideas about the products and services they love — and the ones they wish were better.

We invite you to make your mark here, but we do have a few rules.Here are a few guidelines for using Community.

Setup When creating your account be sure to use your real name and your work email address. You can add a personal email address as a secondary option, but a work email helps us to identify which company you work with.

Please also include a photo and your position title. "Sharing your real name and photo helps others relate and engage with you as a valuable and recognizable member of the Community.

Activity We are a community that wants to help and be helped! So go ahead and post your crazy question.Know the answer to that question? Help a fellow member out! Stay active and get answers, be sure to "like" things as well! It can help show the most helpful answer in a post.

Win friends and influence people Get noticed! Connect with people, talk about what matters to you and share your knowledge and experiences. We reward our top contributors with Gainsight swag. Don’t be afraid to show what you’re passionate about.

Golden Rule Conversation is an essential part of our community. All we ask is that those conversations stay honest and considerate. Don’t post obscene, hateful, or objectionable content. Don’t post personal information. Don’t post copyrighted content without permission. A healthy debate can take place without ever attacking people personally. Think about

that when responding to others, and ask yourself the question: Is this how I would want to be treated? Remember there are no stupid questions, so be kind and help everyone out.

Spam Please don’t post the same topic multiple times or post links to your own personal website (unless it would help).

Cheating Don’t make more accounts to harass others or spam, try to cheat the system or the guidelines in any way.

Points: For an explanation on how to get points check out this guide:

Thank you for considering these rules, which are, themselves, carefully considered.As with any community, it’s up to each of us to create and participate in open conversations that can bring us together.

1 reply

Thanks for posting this Sai! I have not been active - but plan to be. Having a community of other Gainsight users will definitely help me in my new role at my company - heading up Customer Engagement. 
